Taiwan Hikes

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Top Lists of Taiwan Trails and Hikes

7 Reasons Why You Should Hike in Taiwan

If you have a short stay in Taiwan, have you ever wondered what you can do during your stay? If you Google and think the only things you can do here are limited to visiting the National Palace of Museum and eating as many strange foods as you can at Shi-Lin Night Market with the crowd, you have come to the right place because you are about to experience the unique nature Taiwan can offer other than foods...
Tefuye Old Trail

4 Ways to Hike in Taiwan with Pros and Cons

It seems easy to hike in Taiwan, and I've met several international visitors Google their way to the trails, and there are many great blogs in English to tell you where you can hike in Taiwan. But there are other options to enjoy hiking in Taiwan, and here are the pros and cons of each method...
Sunrise at Mt. Xuebai

New Update: 👋 Elevate Your Adventure: A Comprehensive Checklist of 15+ Things for Hiking in Taiwan

Before you set off on your Taiwan hiking adventure, this is a must-read guide to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience based on my 7+ years of hiking experience in Taiwan.
Mt. Nengao in Taiwan

How to Stay Alive and Get Found Soon While Getting Lost on the Trails in Taiwan?

For every outdoor enthusiast, learning what to do when getting lost is the thing you must learn. But, you may find those things in Taiwan very different from your home country. In this post, there are some very important hiking safety tips for you to have a safe hike in Taiwan.
Hikers on the trails in Taiwan

Other Hiking Blogs and Resources about Taiwan

There are many wonderful blogs, YouTube channels, and resources for you to dig in if you want to know more about hiking or other outdoor activities in Taiwan...
Twin Peaks